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The new SECURE Act and Proactive Retirement Planning

The House of Representatives passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act on May 23. The next step is to pass through the Senate and be signed by the President. With strong bipartisan support and the Senate already considering changes for retirement plans, industry expert Bob Keebler, CPA, MST of Keebler & Associates agrees with many reporters who are sharing that this is likely to happen. The act’s goal is to make it easier for small businesses to provide a retirement plan and increase the number of Americans with access to a plan.

Some of the provisions of the SECURE Act that could help Americans better save for retirement include;

  • Significantly increasing the tax credit for new company-wide retirement plans from the current cap of $500 to $5,000;

  • Allowing small employers that implement an automatic enrollment feature in their retirement plan design to become eligible for an additional $500 credit; and,

  • Allowing two or more unrelated employers to join a pooled employer plan, creating an economy of scale that lowers both employer and plan participant cost.

While making retirement plans more available was the driving force behind the SECURE Act, hidden in this bill are some significant changes that all retirement savers should know for planning purposes. Here are some items that are currently part of this bill...

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